A downloadable game for Windows

About the game

E.V.A.C. is a "serious game" developed by me along with seven other students during the autumn of 2016 as a part of the Serious Games Project course at the University of Skövde.
A "serious game" in simple terms is any game with a purpose beyond just entertaining the player. This purpose can be pretty much anything, for example an education, a simulation, an advertisement or rehabilitation.
This game was requested by and developed in close contact with Räddningstjänsten Storgöteborg, the emergency services in the Göteborg area in Sweden.
The purpose of this game is to complement the educational material used by the firefighters as they teach 10-12 year old students about fire safety.

In the game, the player is expected to explore the building and get out when they hear the fire alarm. The lessons in the game include:

  • Pulling the fire alarm when you see a fire
  • Crouching under smoke
  • Notice the evacuation signs to know where to go
  • Not using the elevator during a fire

and more.

The game is in a prototype stage, and no further work has been done on this specific project to my knowledge since the autumn semester of 2016 ended.

This game was also the subject of my master's thesis, which can be read here.


WASD to move the character.
C to crouch.
Spacebar to interact.
Number keys to use the elevator.


EVAC.7z 36 MB